Thompson, Joanna
Runaway hearts

Amelia Harrington has known nothing but abuse from her rich and powerful father. Her last beating leaves her with the knowledge that if she stays - he'll kill her. She flees, not knowing how she'll survive. Raised as a pretend princess, she doesn't even know how to wash dishes. Determined to live a life free of pain, fortune leads her to a job serving at a train station in Colorado. What she finds is cruel jealousy, the first friends she's ever had, and a place she feels she finally belongs.
Town banker Branson McKane grew up in a wealthy, powerful, loving family, but it wasn't until he came to a small growing community in Colorado he found where he wanted to be. Still, something was missing, then she falls into his arms - literally. His heart is caught by the dainty nymph with entrancing green eyes that flash with fear or spark with delight.
Can Amelia truly trust him so they can have a future together, or will her past return to snatch their happiness away?

Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren.

Dieses Medium ist verfügbar. Es kann vorgemerkt oder direkt vor Ort ausgeliehen werden.

Personen: Thompson, Joanna

Schlagwörter: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Thompson, Joanna:
Runaway hearts / Joanna Thompson. - Stuttgart : Planet Girl, 2010. - 208 S. (Freche Mädchen - easy English!)
ISBN 978-3-522-50210-8 kt. : EUR 7,95

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0397
Romane und Erzählungen für Jugendliche ab 13 - Signatur: Thom - Buch