This volume contains the results of the first international comparative empirical Study on confirmation work in seven European contries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland). The confirmation work in each of the countries is described theoretically and empirically in parallel chapters, with information about the current situation as well as about the different models of confirmation work and practical experiences. Comparative chapters focus on core questions, concerning didactic issues and methods but also the meaning of confirmation work for church and society at large.
The book includes many new impulses that go beyond the traditional national context. It raises new questions and offers innovative perspectives for the praxis and theory of confirmation work.
The book is written by a team of authors from all of the participating countries, it is based on an empirical study with more than 28.000 confirmads, parent and workers.
Serie / Reihe: Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen und gestalten 4
Personen: Schweitzer, Friedrich (Hg) Ilg, Wolfgang (Hg)
Schweitzer, Friedrich [Hg]:
Confirmation Work in Europe: Empirical Results, Experiences and Challenges : A Comparative Study in Seven Contries. / Friedrich Schweitzer; Wolfgang Ilg; Henrik Simojoki. - Gütersloh : Gütersloher Verl.-Haus Mohn, 2010. - 338 S. - (Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen und gestalten; 4)
ISBN 978-3-579-08088-8