Wakling, Christopher
Escape and Evasion

He has given it - untraceably - to impoverished strangers worldwide, and has fled.

Why has he done this? And will he get away with it?

Joseph knows that if he leaves the country, he will easily be tracked down. So he opts for hiding close by - first in the city, then in the woods near the home of his estranged family. An ex-soldier, he's adept at the art of camouflage.

On Joseph's trail is Ben Lancaster, the bank's head of security and, as it happens, a former army friend with whom he shares a violent, guilt-ridden past.

The hunt is on.

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Personen: Wakling, Christopher

Standort: 1. Kellergescho

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch


Wakling, Christopher:
Escape and Evasion / Christopher Wakling. - London : Faber and Faber, 2018. - 390 S.
ISBN 978-0-571-23925-2 : EUR 6,00

Zugangsnummer: 0003/7075 - Barcode: 04390343
Fremdsprachige Literatur - Buch