Society for the Arts in Healthcare
Arts & Health - Ausgabe 2020/02 an international journal for research, policy and practice


Review :
-Using the arts for awareness, communication and knowledge translation in older adulthood: a scoping review
-Situating our selves: using mixed media to convey experiences of psychosocial cancer research
-Children with epilepsy: assessing state anxiety through drawings and a self-report questionnaire
-A randomized pilot study of music therapy in the form of patient-preferred live music on fatigue, energy and pain in hospitalized adult oncology patients on a blood and marrow transplant unit
-Enhancing mental health recovery by joining arts-based groups: a role for the social cure approach
-Lincoln center moments: integrating accessibility and enhancement through expanding performing arts experiences
Book Review:
-Playing for Time Theatre Company: perspectives from the prison

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Serie / Reihe: Arts & Heath

Personen: Society for the Arts in Healthcare

Schlagwörter: Kunst Darstellende Kunst Kunsttherapie Psychologie Gesundheit Musiktherapie Krebs

LA 1000 A&H 02/2020

Society for the Arts in Healthcare:
Arts & Health - Ausgabe 2020/02 : an international journal for research, policy and practice / Society for the Arts in Healthcare. - Abingdon, Oxon : Taylor & Francis, 2020. - 100-195 Seiten. - (Arts & Heath; 2020/02)
ISSN 1753-3015

Zugangsnummer: 00005565 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00006357-9
Ethnologie: Zeitschriften - Zeitschriftenheft