Handbook of Tyranny
The Tragedy of Territory
Free Entry
Walls & Fences
Bunker Busters
Terrorist Groups
Refugee Camps
Total Demolition
Defensive City
Crowd Control
Prison Cells
a Vast Conspiracy
Death Penalty
Green Fortress
Index and Sources
Illustration Sources, Image Credits
Production, Bioraphies
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Personen: Deutinger, Theo McGetrick, Brendan
MC 4570 D486-01 (2)
Deutinger, Theo:
Handbook of Tyranny / Theo Deutinger. - 2. Auflage, revidierte Ausgabe. - Zürich : Lars Müller Publishers, 2022. - 172 Seiten : 1000 Illustrationen
ISBN 978-3-03778-719-9 Festeinband