Fromm, Erich
Escape from Freedom

If a man cannot live with freedom, he will probably turn to fascism. This concise statement reflects the central idea of ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM, Erich Fromm's most famous and very likely his most important book. Using the insights of psychoanalysis as probing agents, Dr. Fromm uncovers the illness of contemporary civilization as witnessed by its willingness to submit to totalitarian rule.
The rise of democracy set some men free politically, while at the same time giving birth to a society in which the individual feels alienated and dehumanized. In this important and challenging work, Dr. Fromm considers the causes of this phenomenon to be found in the minds of all men, and examines the often appalling results.

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Personen: Fromm, Erich

Schlagwörter: Sozialpsychologie Autoritarismus Gerda Lederer

CC 7200 F932-b-01

Fromm, Erich [Verfasser]:
Escape from Freedom / Erich Fromm. - New York : Avon Books, 1965. - 333 S.
ISBN 978-0-380-47472-1

Zugangsnummer: 00029465 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00026070-1
Systematische Philosophie - Buch