Fern, Jessica
polywise a deeper dive ionto navigating open relationships

As polyamory continues to make its way into the mainstream, more and more people are exploring consensual non-monogamy in the hope of experiencing more love, connection, sex, freedom, and support.

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Personen: Fern, Jessica Cooley, David

Schlagwörter: Kommunikation Liebe Beziehung Konflikt Polyamorie

MS 1930 F362-02

Fern, Jessica:
polywise : a deeper dive ionto navigating open relationships / von Jessica Fern mit David Cooley. - Melbourne; London : Scribe, 2023. - XIV; 318 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-915590-60-2

Zugangsnummer: 00028823 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00025424-3
Spezielle Soziologien - Buch