Nosaka, Kazunori
Strength and conditioning biological principles and practical applications

Written by a team of leading international experts, this book explores the latest scientific and practical developments in the field, providing an invaluable textbook for sports professionals and students. The first section introduces the biological principles essential for an understanding of the field.

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Personen: Nosaka, Kazunori Newton, Robert U. Cardinale, Marco

Schlagwörter: Krafttraining Genetik Sport Sportphysiologie Muskel Neurotransmitter Skelett Konditionstraining Sportbiologie

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

ZY 1550 C267-01

Nosaka, Kazunori:
Strength and conditioning : biological principles and practical applications / edited by Marco Cardinale, Rob Newton, and Kazunori Nosaka. - Chichester, U.K : Wiley, 2011 : ill. - Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 978-0-470-01919-1 cloth

Zugangsnummer: 00019728 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00016600-3
Sportpraxis - Buch