The great collector
Rudi collects labels. Dad is proud of him, but the mess is getting on Mum'snerves. Then the neighbours start leaving empty bottles for him, and he hasto take them all to the bottle bank. This gets on Rudi's nerves! How can hestop without diappointing Dad? Fortunately, Granny comes up with a great idea.
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Personen: Nöstlinger, Christine Kraushaar, Sabine
G 3Nöstl
Nöstlinger, Christine:
The great collector / Christine Nöstlinger. - Hamburg : Oetinger, 2003 + CD; Vokabelliste. - (First reading witch Magic Lantern)
ISBN 978-3-7891-1233-1 fest geb. / 9.90
G 3 - Buch