Alexander, Kwame
The undefeated

Author Kwame Alexander reads aloud from his illustrated poem The Undefeated - written to commemorate the birth of AlexanderÆs daughter and the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2008. The Undefeated remembers unforgettable, unafraid and unbowed, famous and overlooked figures from black history: from Jesse Owens, whose Olympic victories helped shatter the myth of white supremacy in the 1930s and first billionaire in NBA history Michael Jordan, to Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Carole Denise McNair, killed in a racially motivated bombing in 1963 - and to the hundreds of thousands of black soldiers that fought in the American Civil War.

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Personen: Alexander, Kwame Kadir, Nelson

Standort: OEW

Schlagwörter: empowerment Vorbilder Black Lives Matter

Alexander, Kwame:
¬The¬ undefeated / Kwame Alexander ; mit Bildern von Nelson Kadir. - London : Andersen Press, 2020. - ca 34 ungezählte Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-78344-929-3

Zugangsnummer: 0018800001
U - Signatur: U - B_Bilderb/L_illustr.