A young woman named Hana who lives in an Albanian village ruled by men, takes an oath of eternal virginity to live as a sworn virgin, becoming Mark, so she can live free as a man. Years later, restless and feeling imprisoned by his choice, Mark leaves for Italy to visit his sister and family. There, he explores the unexpected pleasures of attraction and the body and decides to abandon Mark, rediscovering herself/himself as Hana, to become a new and liberated person
Personen: Rohrwacher, Alba Eidinger, Lars Bispuri, Laura Kodheli, Flonja Manieri, Francesca
Standort: OEW
Vergine giurata [DVD] : film per tutti / un film di Laura Bispuri ; con Alba Rohrwacher e con Flonja Kodheli, Lars Eidinger... Scritto da Francesca Manieri e Laura Bispuri. - Campi Bisenzio : CG Home Video, 2016. - 1 DVD (84 min) ; 12 cm. - Based on the novel by Elvira Dones. - Originally produced as a motion picture in 2015. - Extras: "In cerca de film" - making of. - format 16/9 - 2,35:1
Zugangsnummer: 0016725001Verg - Signatur: Verg - DVD Erw/Adulti