Huxley, Aldous
Brave new world
Schöne Literatur

It is the year 632 After Ford an "stability" ist the primary aim of the World State and the ideal society it has created. In Laboratories worldwilde, genetic science has brought the human race to perfection. People are bred and conditioned to be blisfully content with their role in society and to be permanently happy. But, in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, Bernard Marx ist unhappy an harbours an unnatural desire to break free.
Roughly eighty yeras after its first publication, Huyley´s vision of the future has not lost any of its relevance.

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48 Lern- und Medienzentrum, Mainz

Personen: Huxley, Aldous

Schlagwörter: Weltanschauungen Weltordnung Utopie Wissenschaft Dystopie Kaste

Interessenkreis: Englisch Weltliteratur Science Fiction

Huxley, Aldous:
Brave new world / Aldous Huxley. - Stuttgart : Klett, 2014. - 238 S. - mit Vokabeln englisch - englisch
ISBN 978-3-12-579850-2

Zugangsnummer: 0017242001 - Barcode: 00055333
E Ro - Signatur: E Ro Hux - Schöne Literatur