Donaldson, Julia
The Rhyming Rabbit

Poor old Rhyming Rabbit is feeling lonely and left out. None of his fellow rabbits appreciate his carefully thought-out poems. And as for the other animals he meets? They just tell him to be quiet! Then one starry night he meets someone who shares his enthusiasm for poetry ... Ab 3

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Personen: Donaldson, Julia Monks, Lydia

Standort: Hauptstelle

Schlagwörter: Hase Gedicht Reim Kaninchen

C 4.1 Don

Donaldson, Julia:
¬The¬ Rhyming Rabbit / Written by Julia Donaldson, Illustrated by Lydia Monks. - London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2012. - 32 ungezählte Seiten
ISBN 978-0-330-54401-6 2,89

Zugangsnummer: 0026931001 - Barcode: 00257720
C 4.1 - Bilderbücher