Roose, Hanna
Das "Priestertum aller Gläubigen" als Erbe der Reformation im Spiegel aktueller religionspädagogischer Diskurse

Within the present discourse on religious education, the Lutheran idea of the "priesthood of all believers" serves as basic justification for religious education. At present this reasoning is discussed within the horizon of a Child and Youth Theology. It understands itself as a contemporary formation of the universal priesthood of all believers and argues for a broad concept of theology interpreting the difference between academic and lay theology as a gradual one. B. Dressler criticizes that the christological-ecclesiological concept of universal priesthood is thus hastily identified with theological expertise. B. Grümme warns against a structural usurpation of children and youths as faithful (!) theologians. In view of these objections, this contribution sketches different lines of arguments and argues in favor of an adumbration of the subject orientation and an upgrading of process orientation in the context of a Child and Youth Theology.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2017/6 Zweimonatsschrift (2017)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Roose, Hanna

Schlagwörter: Kindertheologie Jugendtheologie Priestertum aller Gläubigen

Roose, Hanna:
¬Das¬ "Priestertum aller Gläubigen" als Erbe der Reformation im Spiegel aktueller religionspädagogischer Diskurse / Hanna Roose, 2017. - Seite 473-480 - (Evangelische Theologie) Impulse der Reformation für die gegenwärtige theologische Wissenschaft

Zugangsnummer: U-0356452
Religionspädagogik - Zeitschriftenartikel