Thomas, Günter
Die Versuchung religiöser Nostalgie eine protestantische Lektüre von Charles Taylors "Ein säkulares Zeitalter"

Fußnote: Taylor, Charles: Ein säkulares Zeitalter. -

Charles Taylor's much acclaimed analysis of religion's fate in the Western world is a thoroughly catholic apologetic. So runs the thesis of this paper. The project found in "The secular Age" is not only deeply critical of major strands within modernity, but also neglects the formative impulses of the Reformation by developing an inadequate picture of the movement. Nevertheless, Taylor's narrative challenges Protestantism to affirm theologically crucial aspects of modernity and to develop (and keep) a rich notion of redemption, one capable of both embracing the fullness of this life and God's life-transcending intentions. In the first part, the paper offers a critical review and reconstruction of Taylor's key questions, his specific methodological presuppositions, his core conceptual tools "religion" and "secularization", and the major leitmotiv of his argument.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2013/6 Zweimonatsschrift (2013)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Thomas, Günter

Schlagwörter: Säkularisierung Religion Evangelische Theologie Protestantismus Religionstheorie

Thomas, Günter:
¬Die¬ Versuchung religiöser Nostalgie : eine protestantische Lektüre von Charles Taylors "Ein säkulares Zeitalter" / Günter Thomas, 2013. - S.421-436 - (Evangelische Theologie) Diskursfelder religiöser Wahrheit

Zugangsnummer: U-0308921
Religionswissenschaft - Zeitschriftenartikel