Ohst, Martin
Franciskus von Assisi - ein Heiliger für die Gegenwart?

For a long time, St. Francis of Assisi has been claimed as a precursor and champion of ecological thought. In both popular and scholarly literature, his amicable attitude towards animals has been praised as a step forward in the overcoming of destructive anthropocentrism. These well-known depictions have no evidence in Francis' own writings, but they were attributed to him by his contemporary biographers, who sought Francis' canonization and the legitimation of the religious movement that he had started. They applied narrative patterns deeply rooted in the history of Christian ascetism to Francis and also used them for their own objectives. In these traditions, the dominion of holy men over animals (especially wild animals), plays an important role. It illustrates the claim that ascetic humility re-establishes the status that Adam had before the fall. Within the same line of tradition, also the narratives about Francis show innovative features. They highlight Francis' intimate relation to Jesus Christ himself. The animals that trust and obey him are only important in as much as they testify to his sanctity - like other miracles that are attributed to him.

Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2024/1 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre (2024)

Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma

Personen: Ohst, Martin

Schlagwörter: Vorbild Ökologie Tier Hagiographie Franz, von Assisi, Heiliger

Ohst, Martin:
Franciskus von Assisi - ein Heiliger für die Gegenwart? / Martin Ohst, 2024. - Seite 43-55 - (Kerygma und Dogma)

Zugangsnummer: U-0428125
Religionswissenschaft - Zeitschriftenartikel