Divine providence in trinitarian foundation finds a pneumatological (D. Ritschl; M. Welker) explication (Spiritus renovans et sanctificans, Spiritus creator et conservator), compared with an only creation-theological approach. The leading perspective of this essay is God?s self-condescendence (Selbstzurücknahme) in the crucified Christ Jesus and the kenosis of God?s spirit, being yet present in peoples experiences of reconciliation, passion and responsibility. Self-acting (Eigenwirken) of human and natural being ? in personal and cosmic dimension- is not left to themselves by God?s Spirit. Transcendence and immanence interacts in contrary to deism and pantheism, determinism and atheism, naturalism and spiritualism. The tension between ?fate? and ?guidance? - together with D. Bonhoeffer?s interpretation as an I-Thou- and I-It-relationship - is based on the belief in the Holy Ghost of the trinitarian God and his acting in contingency and in continuity. The ?Sitz im Leben? of ?God?s spirit and providence? is the answer to the ?message of the cross? as law and gospel , when Christians bless one another, pray for one another and confess the belief in the Holy Ghost, acting as spiritus creator and sanctificator.
Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2012/1 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre
Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma
Personen: Plathow, Michael
Plathow, Michael:
Geist Gottes und Vorsehung : ein Beitrag zur kreuzestheologischen Vorsehungslehre / Michael Plathow, 2012. - S.77-93 - (Kerygma und Dogma)
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel