Jäger, Sarah
Geschlechterdiskurse im (west)deutschen Nachkriegsprotestantismus

Gender discourses mark an important field of debate in Germany between 1945 and 1989, where a shift from normative ethics to a greater sensitivity for the concrete situation and the individuals concerned can be seen particularly clearly. As an example, the article outlines the gender discourses on the basis of six different interrelated topics. In this way, it can be shown that the discourses in individual topic areas developed with different speed and dynamics and that different patterns of argumentation were made strong in each case.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2022/5 Zweimonatsschrift (2022)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Jäger, Sarah

Schlagwörter: Protestantismus Feministische Theologie Diskurs Sexualethik Homosexualität Schwangerschaftsabbruch Empfängnisverhütung

Jäger, Sarah:
Geschlechterdiskurse im (west)deutschen Nachkriegsprotestantismus / Sarah Jäger, 2022. - Seite 326-340 - (Evangelische Theologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0412279
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel