The article explores changes in public self-awareness resulting from the reduction of social interaction in physical presence during the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the three dimensions of shared public space, social interaction in direct encounter, and shared meaning, the text argues that dwindling opportunities to experience social cohesion may become paradigmatic for more fundamental deficiencies in societal interaction. Seen in this light, church services in physical presence can help to maintain a sense for public life in physical presence, unmediated by digital tools.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2021/2 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Wabel, Thomas
Wabel, Thomas:
Prekäre Kopräsenz : Raum, Sozialräume und geteiltes Erleben in Zeiten der Pandemie / Thomas Wabel, 2021. - Seite 101-113 - (Evangelische Theologie) Kirche in der Pandemie - Erfahrungen und Reflexionen
Kirche - Zeitschriftenartikel