Anne Frank the diary of a young girl

Sensitively edited and with a connecting commentary by editor, Mirjam Pressler, the abridged edition of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank gives younger readers their first introduction to the extraordinary diary of an ordinary girl who has long become a household name. This abridged edition has a short prologue written by the editor, Mirjam Pressler, as well as a connecting commentary. There are beautiful line drawings, family photographs, and an Afterword to explain why the Diary ends so abruptly. This shorter edition is suitable for younger children who want to read Anne's diary for themselves.

Freigegeben ab 9 Jahren.

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Personen: Bosse, Achim Pressler, Mirjam Frank, Anne

Interessenkreis: roter Punkt A2


Anne Frank : the diary of a young girl / Anne Frank ; abridged for young readers by Mirjam Presseler ; translated by Susan massotty : Puffin, [2015]. - 283 Seiten
ISBN 9780141345352

Zugangsnummer: 0038265001 - Barcode: 6104383711
Jugend-Fremdsprache Englisch - KuJ-Sachbuch