Gerritsen, Tess
Last to Die

Forensic pathologist Maura Isles already has a connection with the school - Julian 'Rat' Perkins, the 16-year-old boy she met during a previous case, is now living there. But she suspects that the Evensong founders may be using the school for their own agenda. And her concerns grow when Detective Jane Rizzoli is asked to investigate yet another attempt on the life of one of the orphans at the school . . .

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Personen: Gerritsen, Tess

Interessenkreis: Krimi Fremdsprachig

Zoa Gerri

Gerritsen, Tess:
Last to Die / Tess Gerritsen. - London : Bantam Press, 2013. - 442 S. ; 19 cm
ISBN 978-0-553-82564-0 kt. : Eur 9,99

Zugangsnummer: 2013/0671 - Barcode: 2-9187339-0-00013572-6
Englischsprachige Belletristik - Buch