Taylor, Tate
The Help
Film Erw.

Jackson, Mississippi, 1962. Black maids raise white children, but aren't trusted not to steal the silver. Some lines will never be crossed. Aibileen is a black maid: smart, regal, and raising her seventeenth white child. Yet something shifted inside Aibileen the day her own son died while his bosses looked the other way. Minny, Aibileen s best friend, is by some way the sassiest woman in Mississippi. But even her extraordinary cooking won t protect Minny from the consequences of her tongue.

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Personen: Davis, Viola Stone, Emma Spacek, Sissy Taylor, Tate Spencer, Octavia Howard, Bryce Dallas

Taylor, Tate:
¬The¬ Help / Tate Taylor : Touchstone, 2011. - 140 min. - USA (2011) | Drama, Komödie | Deutsch, Englisch, UT: Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch
EAN 8717418340667

Zugangsnummer: 0048530001 - Barcode: 10498187
TM R 11 - Signatur: TM R 11 Hel - Film Erw.