Christie, Agatha
Death Comes As The End

Introduction: Discord entered the house of the ka-priest imhotep with Nofret, the beautiful young concubine from the kingdom of the North. Strident hatred echoed within the walls of the women's quarters, while in the fields, Imhotep's sons muttered against the scheming, secret-smiling usurper. Nofret's violent death brought no peace to the house, only a chill, unearthly dread, as an unseen hand felled, one by one, those near Imhotep's heart..."

Personen: Christie, Agatha

FrB Chr

Christie, Agatha:
Death Comes As The End / Agatha Christie. - 2. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1987. - 222 S.
ISBN 978-0-671-70610-4

Zugangsnummer: 0006927001
FrB - Bücher