Astley, Jeff
Anglican perspectives on Christian religious education

This paper reviews the ambiguity behind the notion of Christian education in its application to Anglican (Church of England) schools, together with the ambiguities surrounding Anglicanism itself. It reflects on Anglican authority, comprehensiveness and distinctiveness, and on the established and parochial character of the Church of England, noting the theological and educational implications of these characteristic elements. Accounts of the "spirit of Anglicanism" are discussed, with particular reference to this Church's claims to tolerance, inclusiveness, openness, freedom and a lay character; as well as issues relating to English character, Christian values and the role of worship and theological reflection in any Anglican theology of education.

Enthalten in:
Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]; 2014/2 Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik (2014)

Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Theo-Web

Personen: Astley, Jeff

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Christliche Erziehung Religiöse Bildung England Staatskirche Anglikanische Kirche Kirchliche Schule

Astley, Jeff:
Anglican perspectives on Christian religious education / Jeff Astley, 2014. - S.75-91 - (Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]) Religionspädagogik ökumenisch: gemeinsame Herausforderungen und unterschiedliche Perspektiven?

Zugangsnummer: U-0323445