The discussion about the possibilities of human freedom is by far not finished yet, let alone worn out. The discourse on freedom again became the focus of critical discussion, especially due to the immensely pushed and successful neurosciences and their findings and - following in their wake - newly established (neuro-)philosophical concepts. But also inner-philosophical problems demand re-orientation. This has to be of interest for theology, too, as freedom is at the core of Christian self-understanding and theological explication.
Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik; 2004/3 Kommentare, Studien, Berichte, Dokumentationen, Diskussionen, Rezensionen, Bibliographie
Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik
Personen: Klein, Andreas
Klein, Andreas:
Anschläge auf die Freiheit? : Neurobiologische und metaphysisch-theoretische Problematisierungen einer ethischen Zentralkategorie / von Andreas Klein, 2004. - S.179-196 - (Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik)