Fluder, Bruno
Basisdemokratie und Bibliodrama

The process of the group has more priority in Bibliodrama then the exegesis. But the handling of the biblical text shouldn't be arbitrary. Each member of the group has the same rights regarding the interpretation of the text.

Enthalten in:
TEXT RAUM; 2019/50 Bibliodrama Information (2019)

Serie / Reihe: TEXT RAUM

Personen: Fluder, Bruno

Schlagwörter: Bibliodrama Exegese Autorität

Fluder, Bruno:
Basisdemokratie und Bibliodrama / Bruno Fluder, 2019. - Seite 9-10 - (TEXT RAUM) Ausblick - Augenblick - Rückblick

Zugangsnummer: U-0372439