In reference to publications of the Christian Media and Communication Studies programme at the University of Erlangen in the past 50 years, the article shows how the theory has changed from an applied action science towards a communication science. Furthermore, the development of its character as an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science, as a social science, and as a hybrid between application and theory, is suggested by the author.
Enthalten in:
Pastoraltheologie; 2017/6 Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft
Serie / Reihe: Pastoraltheologie
Personen: Zeltner Pavlovic, Irena
Zeltner Pavlovic, Irena:
Christliche Publizistik im Wandel : Veränderungen in der gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Standortbestimmung der Disziplin / Irena Zeltner Pavlovic, 2017. - Seite 249-264 - (Pastoraltheologie) 50 Jahre "Christliche Publizistik"