Crüsemann, Frank
Das eine Wort Gottes und seine beiden Gestalten. Oder: Jesus Christus und das Alte Testament

John 10:35 calls the Torah, which the context of this passages defines as Scripture - practically our Old Testament-, "God's word" to the Jews. Assumed that the use of logos theou is the same here as in John 1, then the "one ward of God" being with God in the beginning (1:1) and becoming flesh in Jesus Christ (1:14) has formerly become Scripture in the Old Testament. Especially the Johannine language, which has come to inform high Christology to a great extent, hence offers the possibility to understand Christ and the Old Testament as two forms of the one ward of God. The paper tries to employ this model of a christology that neither diminishes the meaning of Jesus Christ nor claims superiority over the Old Testament and Judaism. It introduces it into the present debate over a non-anti-Jewish christology, the basic theological rejection of any proselytism of the Jews and the importance of the Old Testament for Christian belief and theology.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2018/2 Zweimonatsschrift (2018)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Crüsemann, Frank

Schlagwörter: Jesus Christus Altes Testament Christologie

Crüsemann, Frank:
¬Das¬ eine Wort Gottes und seine beiden Gestalten. Oder: Jesus Christus und das Alte Testament / Frank Crüsemann, 2018. - Seite 86-100 - (Evangelische Theologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0359840