The article offers practical theological background information and reflections on a question highly disputed within the Swiss reformed churches: whether pastors should be brought to wear a unified liturgical robe during Sunday services. Historical, systematic and semiotic perspectives are taken into consideration, and criteria for an adequate use of liturgical dress are developed.
Enthalten in:
Pastoraltheologie; 2009/6 Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft
Serie / Reihe: Pastoraltheologie
Personen: Kunz, Ralph Schlag, Thomas
Kunz, Ralph:
"Des Pfarrers neue Kleider ..." : Erkundungen und Erwägungen zur Talarfrage in den reformierten Schweizer Landeskirchen / Ralph Kunz und Thomas Schlag, 2009. - S.212-232 - (Pastoraltheologie)