Moltmann, Jürgen
Neu Die unvollendete Reformation ungelöste Probleme - ökumenische Antworten

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Reformation, Jürgen Moltmann makes the case for a new theological culture of debate that is not willing to accept the ecclesial status quo but rather seizes and continues the reformatory impulse. It is also the task of the Protestant churches to overcome their establishmentarian heritage and foster a "Catholic" unity of the church in the sense of a "universal papacy of all baptized". For inspiration, they should turn to the peacemaking ethos of the anabaptist Tradition, who were persecuted also by the Protestant Reformers in the 16th century. According to Moltmann, the reformatory doctrine of justification focused unilaterally on forgiveness for the culprits, while nowadays the focus should rather be on the perspective of the victims of sinful violence. With regard to ecumenism, time has come for a common celebration of the Eucharist. Moltmann argues for a contemporary "formation of hope" in the light of the resurrection of Jesus following the "re-formation of faith" of the 16th century.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2017/4 Zweimonatsschrift (2017)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Moltmann, Jürgen

Schlagwörter: Ökumene Rechtfertigungslehre Referat Evangelische Theologie Reformation Sola Fide

Moltmann, Jürgen:
¬Die¬ unvollendete Reformation : ungelöste Probleme - ökumenische Antworten / Jürgen Moltmann, 2017. - Seite 247-257 - (Evangelische Theologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0353684