Schlenker, Christian
Geschichtlichkeit in Bonhoeffers Ethik Spuren von Bonhoeffers Auseinandersetzung mit Sein und Zeit

This paper is concerned with the understanding of history in D. Bonhoeffer's Ethics. The latter is grounded in the structure of the Ultimate and the Penultimate. There are conceptual parallels to Heidegger's ontic-ontological difference as well as his theory of temporality and historicity. These parallels and the divergences are made fruitful for the development of Bonhoeffer's understanding of history. The significance of Bonhoeffer's approach lies in the fact that it can be shown how suffering and remoteness from God can be integrated into God's history with the world.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2024/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2024)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Schlenker, Christian

Schlagwörter: Geschichte Verantwortung Zeit Ethik Wirklichkeit Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Geschichtlichkeit Heidegger, Martin

Schlenker, Christian:
Geschichtlichkeit in Bonhoeffers Ethik : Spuren von Bonhoeffers Auseinandersetzung mit Sein und Zeit / Christian Schlenker, 2024. - Seite 5-18 - (Evangelische Theologie) 100 Jahre Religiöse Vielfalt in Deutschland

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