Strohm, Christoph
Neu Heinz Eduard Tödt - der Lehrer eine Würdigung aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstags

The centennial of Heinz Tödt, who taught systematic theology in Heidelberg for many years, is a fitting occasion to acknowledge his lifetime achievements. After many years of war and imprisonment, Tödt had a late start of his distinguished career as professor at the University of Heidelberg. Deeply informed by Karl Barth, he undertook a general critique of his own Lutheran tradition after the demise of the Third Reich. With his ethical theory of the formation of moral judgment, he aimed at doing justice to Barth's intention of bringing the revelation in Christ to bear on the formation of ethical judgment. Thus he aimed at integrating rationality and expertise into ethical judgment formation without any resort to the doctrine of natural law, which had become questionable to him.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2019/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2019)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Strohm, Christoph

Schlagwörter: Theologie Sozialethik Biographie Systematische Theologie Tödt, Heinz Eduard

Strohm, Christoph:
Heinz Eduard Tödt - der Lehrer : eine Würdigung aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstags / Christoph Strohm, 2019. - Seite 43-58 - (Evangelische Theologie) Öffentliche Theologie

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