Fechtner, Kristian
Neu Im Rhythmus des Jahreskreises praktisch-theologische Perspektiven des Kirchenjahres

In recent years the Ecclesaistical Year has attractes increasing attention as one of the great cultural embodiments of th Christian religion. This is largely due to the many transformations our "time culture" has undergone. Against the backdrop of the works of Karl-Heinrich Bieritz and Peter Cornehl, a number of studies have appeared examining the culture and characteristics of individual Christian festival periods and Church holidays. They can be conceived as buildung blocks for a contemporary practical theology of the lived Church Year. Within and as the very rhythm of the seasons, the Ecclesiastic Year unfolds its time-determmining and life-giving power and embodies one of the decisive junctures of the Church and both individual and public Christinanity: today ist represents the Church "from time to time".

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 2005/4 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (2005)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Fechtner, Kristian

Schlagwörter: Gottesdienst Wahrnehmung Gegenwart Kirchenjahr Praktische Theologie

Fechtner, Kristian:
Im Rhythmus des Jahreskreises : praktisch-theologische Perspektiven des Kirchenjahres / Kristian Fechtner, 2005. - Sp.351-370 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0212630