Leuenberger, Martin
Jhwh, "der Gott Jerusalems" (Inschrift aus Hirbet Bet Layy 1,2) Konturen der Jerusalemer Tempeltheologie aus religions- und theologiegeschichtlicher Perspektive

After a thematic (I.) and a methodological (II.) introduction, this essay discusses the shape and the relevance of the Jerusalem Temple theology for religious and theological history. Its basic axiom, the lasting presence of the royal god YHWH in Zion/Jerusalem, is mirrored prominently and specifically in the 'large' inscription from Khirbet Bet Layy. Mentioning the "God of Jerusalem", it features a significant terminological emphasis; at the same time, the conceptual relationship of Jerusalem Temple theology, which comprises several levels of religious sociology, becomes evident.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2014/4 Zweimonatsschrift (2014)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Leuenberger, Martin

Schlagwörter: Jerusalem Theologiegeschichte Religionsgeschichte Tempel

Leuenberger, Martin:
Jhwh, "der Gott Jerusalems" (Inschrift aus Hirbet Bet Layy 1,2) : Konturen der Jerusalemer Tempeltheologie aus religions- und theologiegeschichtlicher Perspektive / Martin Leuenberger, 2014. - S.245-260 : Ill. - (Evangelische Theologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0321144