Ulrich, Hans G.
Karl Barths Darstellung theologischer Ethik Forum für die gegenwärtige Verständigung über Ethik im englischsprachigen Kontext

Many of the leading contemporary ethical discourses intersect in Karl Barth's theological ethics, although Barth's ethics goes its own way - a way which in many respects runs against these contemporary discourses, but which nevertheless stimulates them in many ways. This can be seen in the wide range of interpretations of Barth's ethics that have recently been published in English and which connect his ethics with contemporary discourses on ethics, such as the discourse on the human "subject", on humanity and human nature, on "power", as well as the discourse on politics and the public sphere. These discourses are influenced by the overlapping discourse on "modernity" or on other dominant contexts of orientation, as well as by their attempts to escape such influence. The nature of Barth's ethics becomes apparent in its critically reflected rootedness in the tradition of the Reformation, and in its interweaving with dogmatic topoi such as "freedom", "law and gospel", "church and the public sphere", and "political theology". In these recent works published on Barth in English, Barth's ethics becomes a forum for the current understanding of theological ethics.

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 2013/3 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (2013)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Ulrich, Hans G.

Schlagwörter: Tradition Postmoderne Moderne Barth, Karl Reformation Eschatologie Dialektische Theologie Theologische Ethik Zeugnis Kontroverse

Ulrich, Hans G.:
Karl Barths Darstellung theologischer Ethik : Forum für die gegenwärtige Verständigung über Ethik im englischsprachigen Kontext / Hans G. Ulrich, 2013. - Sp.279-294 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0301668