Leibold, Stefan
Reform "auf katholisch" kirchliche Reformprozesse in deutschen Diözesen

This contribution studies the reform processes in the Catholic dioceses of Magdeburg, Essen, and Bamberg. It first sketches the administrative measures and the character of the reform processes within the individual dioceses, then it compares the processes along different criteria: These are the definition of the situation, the general attitude towards reform, the character of the reform process, the direction of organization, the guiding principles, the mentality of the parishes, the triggers for the structural reforms, and the influence of external consultation. The essay is concluded by first interpretations of the process relating to the performance benchmarks set by the agents of the reforms, the influence of various agents, the handling of unsolvable problems, and factors defining the character of the reform processes.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2016/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2016)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Leibold, Stefan

Schlagwörter: Kirchenreform Katholische Kirche. Diözese Bamberg Katholische Kirche. Diözese Essen Katholische Kirche. Diözese Magdeburg

Leibold, Stefan:
Reform "auf katholisch" : kirchliche Reformprozesse in deutschen Diözesen / Stefan Leibold, 2016. - S.21-33 - (Evangelische Theologie) Kirchen unter Druck

Zugangsnummer: U-0336704