Oberdorfer, Bernd
Reformation und poltisch-gesellschaftliche Emanzipation

The relevence of the reformation for the development of modern liberty rights is much debated. Although the Protestant Reformers fought for the "Freedom of a Christian" against religious patronization, they were not tolerant in a modern sense of the term. However, the Reformation released long-term impulses which contributed to the origin and formation of a modern civil society, e. g. the respect for the autonomy of the individual over against the church, the passion for education, the emphasis on the "universal priesthood of all believers", and the appreciation of civil professions. Long historical learning processes were necessary, though, until the Protestant churches acknowledged and adopted modern liberty rights, a participatory democracy and a pluralistic society as genuine forms of expression of a Protestant ethos.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2014/2 Zweimonatsschrift (2014)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Oberdorfer, Bernd

Schlagwörter: Emanzipation Luther Luthertum Reformation Neuzeit

Oberdorfer, Bernd:
Reformation und poltisch-gesellschaftliche Emanzipation / Bernd Oberdorfer, 2014. - S.117-126 - (Evangelische Theologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0317697