Moxter, Michael
Riskierte Wirklichkeit warum braucht Religion Theologie?

Contemporary philosophy of religion tends to describe religious experience as a form of "seeing" the world "as" a whole. Follow this line, systematic theology concentrates and the >understanding of reality, implied in Christian faith, in order to validate the truth claims of belief-sentences. With regard to metaphysical realism, this undertaking looks like a new attempt to develop the concepts of God, reality and truth in their mutual relationship. But this description misses the point. The issue is, how to distinguish between interpretation and reality, if reality is given only in and through cultural interpretations. Under the presupposition of internal realism (Put am) or of week naturalism (Habermas), how could we keep in
touch with reality? To ask this question is to expose the concept of risk-taking within interpretation: Interpreters risk that their interpretations nay fail. Thus, the article shows that the concept of risk has -hanged the understanding of reason, science and human behaviour in modern times, and that the consequences of this ongoing change can be studied even within the concept of God. This provides a new background for systematic theology. Using Semlers difference between, religion and theology, the article argues, that religious communication has as much need for theology, as it is aware of its own risk to combine an individual approach to faith with the will to continue the Christian tradition in adequate ways.

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 2003/Nr.3 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (2003)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Moxter, Michael

Schlagwörter: Theologie Religion Wirklichkeit

Moxter, Michael:
Riskierte Wirklichkeit : warum braucht Religion Theologie? / Michael Moxter, 2003. - Sp.247-260 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0199813