Zeindler, Matthias
Schön ist, was Gott liebt Anmerkungen zu einer christlichen Ästhetik

Christianity's relationship to beauty has always been ambiguous; it was seen as a worldly seduction or as a sign of God's beauty. The biblical story begins with the beauty of creation and ends with the splendour of the New Jerusalem. In Christ's cross and resurrection Christians discover a God who is solidary with the unaesthetic and ugly. A Christian aesthetic
will start with this solidarity.

Enthalten in:
TEXT RAUM; 2020/53 Bibliodrama Information (2020)

Serie / Reihe: TEXT RAUM

Personen: Zeindler, Matthias

Schlagwörter: Christentum Schönheit Ästhetik

Zeindler, Matthias:
Schön ist, was Gott liebt : Anmerkungen zu einer christlichen Ästhetik / Matthias Zeindler, 2020. - Seite 16-18 - (TEXT RAUM) Wie schön darf Bibliodrama sein

Zugangsnummer: U-0389970