The essay focusses on the "body turn" of our contemporary society. It turns out that working on one's own body - through sports, fitness and diverse beauty treatments - can be experienced as an act of liberation or self-empowerment on the one hand, but also as a heavy burden and (self-) submission under social ideas of "normality" on the other hand. From a theological point of view, it is important to include this ambivalence and to emphasize the unavailability, finiteness and vulnerability of human existence, but also to appreciate bodily strategies that can serve inclusion and, inspired by the doctrine of justification, to embolden a courage-to-be despite all fragility.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2018/1 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Karle, Isolde
Karle, Isolde:
Schönheit, Fitness und Geschlecht : die Arbeit am eigenen Körper als Herausforderung für die Praktische Theologie / Isolde Karle, 2018. - Seiet 59-70 - (Evangelische Theologie) Körper, Geschlecht und Glaube