Wall, Heinrich de
Staatskirchenrecht in den neuen Bundesländern

The state-church relation was one of the major issues of discussion during the process of the German reunification. This discussion has calmed down after the German Basic Law with is well-established and proven rules about religious freedom and the legal status of religious communities was introduced in East Germany as well. Nevertheless the Constitutions of the East German federal states contain some interesting details. Moreover, many important questions are settled in concordats and other agreements between the federal states and the churches and other religious communities. They also comprise some interesting and innovative details. These differences from what was familiar in West Germany are being discussed in the paper. With the exception of the debate on religious education at state schools in the federal state of Brandenburg and some minor questions, the state church relation in East Germany is in legal terms largely unproblematic and in a well balanced state.

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 2001/Nr.11 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (2001)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Wall, Heinrich de

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Kirche-Staat-Beziehung Ostdeutschland Diakonie Verfassung Arbeitsrecht Staatskirchenrecht Lebensgestaltung - Ethik - Religionskunde

Wall, Heinrich de:
Staatskirchenrecht in den neuen Bundesländern / Heinrich de Wall, 2001. - Sp.1117-1130 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0179603