Lange, Armin
The religious memory of antisemitism the Pittsburgh shooter between Christian White Supremacist and Islamicist agitation

Based on the example of the Pittsburgh shooting at October 27th 2018, this article argues that antisemitism is based on a set of religious symbols which began to evolve in antiquity and which incite people to violent acts of hatred against Jews. The religious symbols of antisemitism are anchored in the religious and cultural memories of the Western und Muslim worlds. Eradication of antisemitism will only be possible, if these religious symbols of Antisemitism are neutralized in both heritages.

Enthalten in:
Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]; 2019/1 Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik (2019)

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Serie / Reihe: Theo-Web

Personen: Lange, Armin

Schlagwörter: Geschichte Religiöses Symbol Antisemitismus Entwicklung Islamismus Christentum-Judentum-Beziehung

Lange, Armin:
¬The¬ religious memory of antisemitism : the Pittsburgh shooter between Christian White Supremacist and Islamicist agitation / Armin Lange, 2019. - Seite 6-17 - (Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]) Antisemitismus als religionspädagogische Herausforderung

Zugangsnummer: U-0371132