Ohme, Heinz
Theodor von Pharan revisited Häretiker und Häresiarch der [mía enérgeia] Jesu Christi?

The analysis offered here of the extant passages from the writings of Bishop Theodore of Pharan, who in both 649 and 681 was anathematized as a Monophysite and heresiarch because of his acknowledgement of a single operation (mía enérgeia) in Christ, does not confirm this accusation. What it instead reveals is that, as a Chalcedonian theologian and through his attention to Christ's work as Saviour, Theodore adopted a perspective that complemented an ontological analysis of the distinction between human and divine natures. This enabled him to recognize the whole of Jesus's activity as a single work of God, a dual perspective he shared before 645 with his close contemporary Anastasios of Antioch and even Maximos Homologetes. The question arises why this idea's potential to create a common understanding between Chalcedon's followers in the monenergism / Monothelitism dispute was not used. The concluding section presents the reasons that led to Theodore's condemnation.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche; 2020/4 (2020)

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche

Personen: Ohme, Heinz

Schlagwörter: Christologie Konzil (451 : Chalkedon) Maximus, Confessor Anastasius, Antiochenus Lateransynode (649 : Rom) Theodorus, Rhaetuensis

Ohme, Heinz:
Theodor von Pharan revisited : Häretiker und Häresiarch der [mía enérgeia] Jesu Christi? / von Heinz Ohme, 2020. - Seite 409-471 - (Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche)

Zugangsnummer: U-0391022