Rothgangel, Martin
Martin Luthers Katechismen Probleme - Potentiale - Impulse

For nearly four decades now, widespread silence with regard to Martin Luther's Catechisms has been prevalent in the theory and practice of religious education. Apart from occasional exceptions, there is scarcely any extensive engagement with the Small Catechism. The present contrib ution asks first which problems have lead to the present silence with regard to the Small Catechism. Subsequently, the Small Catechism's potentials are worked out. Problems and potentials alike are a decisive presupposition for giving impulses for the construction of a catechism which is contemporary and responsible in terms of religious education.

Enthalten in:
Glaube und Lernen; 2015/1 Theologie interdisziplinär und praktisch (2015)

Serie / Reihe: Glaube und Lernen

Personen: Rothgangel, Martin

Schlagwörter: Religionspädagogik Luther Kleiner Katechismus

Rothgangel, Martin:
Martin Luthers Katechismen : Probleme - Potentiale - Impulse / Martin Rothgangel, 2015. - S.92-107 - (Glaube und Lernen) Martin Luther

Zugangsnummer: U-0335220