Employing the theory of rnediated communication (Uwe Sander) the article describes characteristics of how listeners hear a sermon. As they themselves decide on their distance or proximity to what is being said, efforts by the preacher to force a close interaction seem not to be inviting. A genuine interest of the preacher in the situation is more adequate. In a good sermon the preacher presents and justifies how the text is convincing to him.
Enthalten in:
Pastoraltheologie; 2014/10 Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft
Serie / Reihe: Pastoraltheologie
Personen: Kretzschmar, Gerald
Kretzschmar, Gerald:
Wie hört der moderne Mensch? Zur Hörbarkeit der Predigt unter den Bedingungen mediatisierter Kommunikation / Gerald Kretzschmar, 2014. - S.445-455 - (Pastoraltheologie) Literatur - Religion - Predigt