Wilson, Jacqueline
Clean Break

Em adores her funny, glamorous dad - who cares if he's not her real father? He's wonderful to her, and to her little brother Maxie and sister Vita. True to form at Christmas, Dad gives them fantastic presents, including a real emerald ring for his little Princess Em.

Unfortunately he's got another surprise in store - he's leaving them. Will Dad's well-meaning but chaotic attempts to keep seeing Em and the other children help the family come to terms with this new crisis? Or would they be better off with a clean break - just like Em's arm?

Altersempfehlung: ab 9 Jahren.

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Personen: Wilson, Jacqueline

Standort: EN-Box

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Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Wilson, Jacqueline:
Clean Break / Jacqueline Wilson. - London, United States : Penguin Random House Children's UK, 2008. - In englischer Sprache
ISBN 978-0-440-86850-7 Festeinband

Zugangsnummer: 2021/0068
Kunst. Musik. Film. Theater. Tanz - Signatur: Wilso - Buch