Wilson, Jacqueline
Vicky Angel

You look as if you've seen a ghost!'

Jade is so used to living in the shadow of Vicky, her loud, confident best friend, that when a tragic accident occurs, she can hardly believe that Vicky's no longer around. But Vicky's a sparky girl who's not going to let a small thing like being dead stop her from living life to the full! Whether Jade is in lessons, out running or tentatively trying to make new friends, Vicky is determined to make her presence felt . . .

Altersempfehlung: ab 9 Jahren.

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Personen: Wilson, Jacqueline

Standort: EN-Box

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Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Wilson, Jacqueline ¬[Verfasser]:
Vicky Angel / Jacqueline Wilson. - London, United States : Penguin Random House Children's UK, 2007. - In englischer Sprache
ISBN 978-0-440-86780-7 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2021/0069
Kunst. Musik. Film. Theater. Tanz - Signatur: Wilso - Buch