Thiessen, Jayson
Rainbow Rocks Equestria Girls

Jayson Thiessen directs this animated children's feature. In the magical world Equestria, Twilight Sparkle (voice of Tara Strong) and her friends compete to win the Canterlot High 'Mane Event' battle of the bands competition. But as the girls prepare to rock out, Sunset Shimmer (Rebecca Shoichet) worries the organisers are up to no good when they become overly competitive and friendships in the school start to be torn apart. Will the group be able to outperform rival band The Dazzlings and bring peace back to Canterlot High?

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: My Little Pony

Personen: Thiessen, Jayson Rudell, Ishi

Schlagwörter: Pferde

Interessenkreis: Animationsfilm Kinderfilm

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Thiessen, Jayson ¬[Regisseur]:
Rainbow Rocks : Equestria Girls / Regie: Jayson Thiessen, Ishi Rudell : Primal Screen. - 1 DVD (1 Stunde 10 Minuten). - (my little Pony)
EAN 5060400281077 : 6,02 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2019/5676 - Barcode: 00009227
Erzählungen - Film