Steve Jobs grew up surrounded by inventors, in sunny Silicon Valley, California. He and his friend Stephen Wozniak channelled their love of computers into their own inventions, building a successful company from Steve's garage. Steve thought that computers were the future, and his big ideas would transform the world and the way people use technology.
Altersempfehlung: ab 4 Jahren.
Serie / Reihe: Little people, big dreams
Personen: Sánchez Vegara, María Isabel Lewis, Aura
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Sánchez Vegara, María Isabel:
Steve Jobs / María Isabel Sánchez Vegara ; illustriert von Aura Lewis. - 4th edition. - UK : Francis Lincoln Children´s Books, 2020. - [28] Seiten : überwiegend Illustrationen (farbig). - (Little people, big dreams)
ISBN 978-0-7112-4576-1 Festeinband : 13.95 EUR
Englisch - Bilderbuch