The Adventurers and the Temple of Treasure
A father's legacy, a chase across Egypt and a mystery buried for thousands of years...
... Lara, Rufus, Tom and Barney are back, in their second exciting adventure together. With the help of friends old and new, can they navigate their way through the ancient wonders of Egypt to unearth one of the greatest treasure troves in history?
Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren.
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Personen: Hatt, Jemma
Hatt, Jemma:
The Adventurers and the Temple of Treasure : Elmside Publishing, 2019. - 192 S.
ISBN 978-1-9993641-1-3 Broschur : 10,80 (DE) EUR
Kinderbücher/DVDs/Hörspiele (Ab 6 Jahren) - Signatur: Hatt - Buch